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Learn With JSK Quizย
Learn Ramayan With JSK Quizย
Chapter 1 of Ramayana narrates the birth of Lord Rama, his lineage and how he was raised as a prince in the royal palace.
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1. On which river was the city of Ayodhya located?
2 / 10
2. How many wives did King Dasharatha have?
3 / 10
3. Why was King Dasharatha unhappy?
4 / 10
4. What did the sages advise King Dasharatha to do to have children?
5 / 10
5. Which God emerged from the fire pit during the yagna performed by King Dasharatha?
6 / 10
6. What did Agni, the fire God, give to King Dasharatha after he performed the yagna?
7 / 10
7. How many sons did King Dasharatha have?
8 / 10
8. How did the people of Ayodhya celebrate the birth of the four princes?
9 / 10
9.What was the name of the queen who gave birth to Rama?
10 / 10
10. What did Agni, the fire God, tell King Dasharatha about the sweetened milk he received during the yagna?
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CHAPTER: 2: Ramayan
Ramayan is a Hindu epic that tells the story of Lord Rama's journey to rescue his wife, Sita, from the demon king, Ravana.
1 / 12
1. Who taught the four princes archery, riding, and hunting?
2 / 12
2. Who was the closest companion to Rama among his brothers?
3 / 12
3. Why did Vishwamitra come to the court of Dasharatha?
4 / 12
4. Who were the two Rakshasas that poured blood and human flesh on the fire pit, polluting the yagna?
5 / 12
5. Why was Dasharatha hesitant to send Rama to fight against the Rakshasas?
6 / 12
6. What did Vishwamitra tell Dasharatha when he refused to send Rama with him?
7 / 12
7. Who convinced Dasharatha to send Rama with Vishwamitra?
8 / 12
8. How long did Vishwamitra request to keep Rama with him to fight the Rakshasas?
9 / 12
9. What did Vishwamitra promise to do after the yagna was completed?
10 / 12
10. What did Dasharatha fear would happen if Rama went to fight the Rakshasas?
11 / 12
11. Why did King Dasharatha feel proud of his sons?
12 / 12
12. Why did Vishwamitra ask for Rama's help in killing the Rakshasas?
The average score is 64%
Learn Mahabharat With JSK Quizย
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