Upachara is the practice which each one should do in the service of supreme deity.
Upacharas refer to the rituals and offerings performed during worship and other auspicious occasions. Upacharas, also known as ‘sevas’ or ‘poojas,’ are an integral part of our culture.
But it doesn’t mean that you offer what you get there are certain technique and technology to perform such act.
Typically involve offerings of flowers, fruits, incense, ghee, and other materials to the deity being worshiped. The rituals involve chanting of mantras and the recitation of hymns to invoke the blessings of the gods.
There are several types of Vedic Upacharas, such as Triopachara, panchopachara, Shodashopachara Puja, Ashtottara Puja, Sahasranama Puja, and others. Each type of Upachara has its own unique set of rituals and offerings and is performed for specific occasions or deities.
We in JSK teach basic upacharas so that our students won’t make mistake and have proper blessing from the supreme.
We in Janan Shiksha Kendra teach how to perform upachara in ever branch – do check out nearest branch / contact to open branch near buy you location by enrolling under volunteer.
Before you start you should take bath do achamanam, pranayama

The devotee, having already bathed, takes three sips of water by placing a spoonful of water with their left hand in the base of the palm of their right hand and chants the following mantra to invoke their own purity of body, mind, and spirit.
Oṃ Acyutāya Namaḥ
Oṃ Anantāya Namaḥ
Oṃ Govindāya Namaḥ
And wash you hand.
Also note: before telling this’ dhoopam agrapayami|’ mantra you have to say the nama mantra of god you are worsiping currently
For example: you are worshiping Ganapati then – Om Sri Mahaganapataye namah, dhoopam agrapayami

TRI means three and upachara me offering /serving – so we are serving three offering to lord.
Triopachara is very easy and immediate process of worshiping the lord.
You can involve this practice in you busy schedule for worshipping the supreme and take his blessings.
With all your other practice offered by JSK in Vedic discipline like taking bath, doing achamanam, and applying Nama / tikka, then sit in any asana (preferably crossed leg posture).
If you have idol/ photo / lamp (deep of oil/ghee) / just imaginary, consider that as a live individual, and offer three individual item/ ingredients with great love and respect.
Meditate on the lord, recite shlokas then follow steps of upachara:
- Gandha (sandal paste):
Place sandalwood paste on the forehead of God.
It is expected to apply the sandal wood paste gently on the neck of the Lord.
divya parimala gandham samarpayaami.|
- Dhoopam (incense)
Show incense to God. As the perfumed smoke reaches the Lord, so our soul also should aspire to reach God.: (Offering incense fragrance – to the Lord)
dhoopam agrapayami|
- Deepam (Oil lamp)
Show oil lamp to God. It is not expected to make your guest to sit in the dark. In olden days when electric power was not in use, lamps were used to be kept on stands slightly away from the place where people used to dine. It also symbolizes bringing of light into one’s place and life.-
deepam darshyaami|
- you Can also replace Pushpam: (Offering fresh rose-garland and flowers – to the Lord) instead of Gandha, if you have flowers with you.
- If you don’t have both gandha and pushpa then you can replace it with water,
But should complete all three offering.
VERY EASY RIGHT, but we still don’t do it due to lack of knowledge, further if you find interesting and enjoy serving the lord you can add more two step and complete practice of panchopachara
Pancha mean five and upachara means offering, five type of offering or service to the lord.
It is also similar to triopachara but additional two more offering.
Science behind: Five hold ore importance than the rest. Together these five services are referred to as the pancha – upacharas, and include gandha, pushpa, dhoopa, deepa, and naivedya. Collectively, these five services engage the five senses.
- Gandha:
“Sugandham (Good Smelling), “Manoharam” (Should steal the heart) is the quality of Sandal wood paste narrated by Vedic verse.
–divya parimala gandham samarpayaami.
- Puspa:(flowers)
Offer colour full and fresh and clean flower to the feet of lord, before offering sprinkle ganga jal/ concecrated water.
nanavidha parimala patra pushpani samarpayaami, puspayi pujyami
- Dhupa
Show incense to God. As the perfumed smoke reaches the Lord, so our soul also should aspire to reach God.
dhoopam agrapayami
- Dipa:
Show oil lamp to God. It is not expected to make your guest to sit in the dark. In olden days when electric power was not in use, lamps were used to be kept on stands slightly away from the place where people used to dine. It also symbolizes bringing of light into one’s place and life.
–deepam darshyaami.
- Naivedyam:
Offer specially prepared food to God. This food must be prepared cleanly in separate utensils, other than in what we eat, and without tasting beforehand. Do not use non veg/ tamsik food like garlic/ onion, and also make sure you are not offering packaged/ frozen food.
Link: how to make best naivedyam
naivedyam samarpayaami.
NOTE: If you can prepare naivedyam then you can offer fruit instead of naivedyam.
“Shodasa Upacahar” sixteen offering is a complete process of performing the rituals of pooja, the worship. Upachar means service; there are 16 upachars to be executed for worship.
This is consider to the complete because this type of offering is neither less nor more.
All these 16 steps are symbolical representations of the various forms of expressing reverence like offering the deity a golden throne to be seated, washing his feet, washing his hands, offering him water to drink, ceremonial bathing with sacred waters, offering new clothes, anointing him with sandal paste and other perfumes, adorning of jewels, worshipping with flowers, offering of fragrant incense, lighting the lamp, offering food (Prasada), fruits and sweet drinks, chanting his praises, offering Arati and finally prostrating to him and seeking his blessings.
As per me this type of upachara should be done on special occasion like festival – Janmastami, Navaratri,Chaturti etc. to take lords blessing, and to arrange all this items daily in our house is difficult, but soon we will teach Tantra vidhi to do this whole Pooja without any item just using hand and showing mudras,
- Dhyaana
– Meditating on the deity that is being invoked.
Chant the dyanna mantra of the lord, and meditate in such a way that you imagine entire roopa of the lord. You consider that the photo/idol/deepa is the supreme lord himself sitting to take the offering that you are going to offer, with due respect.
- Aavaahana
– Inviting the deity into the altar.
Inviting the worshipped God or Goddess to come into the place of worship or idol by chanting the Vedic verse or slokas similar like you are inviting a lovely guest to your home.
How to do it: just see at lord and imagine that you are calling him to the place of Pooja. And chant the mantra.
Nama mantra of the lord āvāhanam samarpayāmi
- Aasana
– Giving the deity a seat.
Offering the worshipped God a seat. Imagine you have you guest now inside your house now as you will offer seat similarly you offer seat to the lord. But you should say and imagine golden seat with all the gems in it that you are offer to the lord.
How to do it: just imagine and tell your lord in the place you are offering. And chant the mantra mentioned.
Nama mantra of the lord āsanam samarpayāmi
- Paadya
– Washing the deity’s feet with clean water.
As your guest must have come from far and in Bharat we always remove our shoes and Wash the feet befor we enter similarly we wash feet of God by pouring water at His feet.
How to do it: Take water in spoon and chant the mantra mentioned below and pore on the feet of supreme.
Nama mantra of the lord, padyo padam samarpayaami
- Arghya
– Offering the deity water to rinse hands and mouth.
After washing feet we should offer water to wash hands and mouth, this was the common in bharat that every house use to practice, now a day we just hug when we meet, we share germ and virus which we brought during the travelling.
How to do it: Take water in spoon Water show it to the lord take that spoon to the face and hands, and pore to the another plate (disposal).
Nama mantra of the lord, hastyo arghyam samarpayaami.
- Aachamana
– Offering the deity water to drink.
As we do achamana for internal purification of the system and we drink water with chant, similary we offer water to the lord to drink and purify the system.
How to do it: three time we will show spoon full of water with first three chant and again last spoon with last 4th mantra considering we are washing the hands of the lord.
Oṃ Acyutāya Namaḥ
Oṃ Anantāya Namaḥ
Oṃ Govindāya Namaḥ
Om Hrishikeshaya Namah
After doing this chant,
Nama mantra of the lord, aachamaniyam samarpayaami
- Snaana
– Bathing the deity with various auspicious items.
There are various method of giving bath to the lord,
- Simple Method: take a spoon full of water and sprinkle on idol as if giving Him bath.
- Common Method: most commonly done is doing abhisheka with panchamruthas, (Milk, Yoghurt, Ghee, Honey, Sugar) there are also specific mantra for each ambrata.
- Complex Method: this include more steps like Coconut Water, Fruit Juice, Sandal Powder, Turmeric, Kumkuma etc. one at a time, mostly done each step individually followed by bath with fresh water.
We will suggest simple method in JSK, and chant:
Nama mantra of the lord, snanam samarpayaami.
- Vasthra
– Dressing the deity in clean clothes.
Now once we took bath to the lord, we should offer new cloth to the lord Jewellery.
Also decorate idol or photo with Gajavashtra.
Nama mantra of the lord, vastram, abharanam akshatam samarpayaami.
- Yagnopaveetha
– Offering the deity a clean sacred thread.
Offer Yajnopaveetham(sacred thread/flower/akshathas). In olden days the old people used to make “Yagnopaveeta” daily in their houses for offering to the guest. It is presumed that the guest had travelled for a long distance before he reach your house, during the course he had to take bath in the Rivers/streams and may lose his “Janevu” or “Jandem”. It is also important to note “Yagnopaveeta” used to be worn by both men and women. You might have noticed the statues of Goddesses shown wearing “Janevu” in museums. So whether you worship God or Goddess you have to offer “Janevu”
Nama mantra of the lord, yagnopaveetham akshtam samarpayaami.
- Gandha
– Spreading fresh sandalwood paste on the deity.
All we saw how we sever the guest, so even applying sandal wood paste(chandana) to the guest is the good gesture, sandalwood have the proper of cooling down.
Nama mantra of the lord, divya parimala gandham samarpayaami.
- Pushpa
– Offering fresh flowers while chanting the deity’s names.
We can simply offer to the feet of lord, or else we can do Archana reciting lord 108/1008 names, and offer one flower or a petal at a time.
Nama mantra of the lord, pushpam samarpayaami
- Dhoopa
– Spreading incense smoke throughout the altar.
Show incense to God.
Nama mantra of the lord, dhoopam agrapayami
- Deepa
– Waving a lamp to illuminate the freshly decorated deity.
Show oil lamp to God. It is not expected to make your guest to sit in the dark. In olden days when electric power was not in use, lamps were used to be kept on stands slightly away from the place where people used to dine. It also symbolizes bringing of light into one’s place and life.
Nama mantra of the lord, deepam darshyaami.
- Naivedya
– Offering the deity food.
Already explained above
- Taambula
– Offering the deity a refreshing mix of betel nut and leaves.
Betel leaves and betel nuts are offered to God after the Naivedhyam. After delicious food, it is the practice to offer betel leaves for proper digestion. The quality of betel leaves is narrated in the verses. “Pooghiphala (Beetle nut) Samayuktam, Nagavalli dalairyatam (Japatri petals) karpoora churna (Edible Karpoor powder) samuktam, tamboolam”.
- Pradakshina& Namaskara
– Circumambulating the altar and bidding farewell to the deity.
- Neerajanam
Camphor lamp is shown to God. It is again customary that in every auspicious occasion aarati is offered to the deity. This is an important and auspicious occasion as Lord himself has come home, so with utmost devotion offer “Aarati” to the Lord.
karpoora niranjanam sandarshyaami, raksha raksham dharayami.

The pooja ends with another service called “Mantra Pushpam” in which a devotee offers handful of flowers to God finally glorifying Him and places the flowers on his lotus feet with utmost devotion and dedication.
Pooja is based on Mantras (hymns) and is focused on concentrating on sounds.
Any Pooja you do at the end the good thing you do should be sacrified in the feet of Shri hari.
As devatas all achived amruta from samudra mantan and kept with them, but Danavas came and steel it from them and Narayana has to take it back. So don’t keep anything with you keep it with Krishna and it will be as fixed deposit and natural law book is perfect even then the computer.
Take and flower, tulasi leaf, one coin, in your right hand and spoonful of water, and same below mantra and pour to the plate/ ground
kayena vaacha, manasendriyairva
budhyatmana va prakriter swabhavat
karomi yad yad sakalam parasmai
narayanayeti samarpayami
Shri Krishnaarpanamasthu.