
Khajānā Khoja Abhiyān (Treasure Hunt)


Participants embark on an adventurous treasure hunt where clues are provided on the spot, promising an element of surprise and excitement. Age – 23-32 Group Member -3

This competition promises an exhilarating experience for participants as they navigate through clues, solve puzzles, and uncover hidden treasures, all while fostering teamwork and camaraderie


Description: Participants embark on an adventurous treasure hunt where clues are provided on the spot, promising an element of surprise and excitement. Age – 23-32 Group Member -3 Entry – Rs.108 Rules and Regulations:
1. Team Composition: Each team should consist of three members above the age of 22.
2. Clue Distribution: Clues for the treasure hunt will be provided on the spot, adding an element of surprise and spontaneity to the competition.
3. Treasure Hunt Area: The treasure hunt will take place within a designated area, and participants must stay within the specified boundaries during the competition.
4. Time Limit: Participants must complete the treasure hunt within the allotted time frame, as specified by the organizers.
5. Teamwork: Teams must work together to decipher clues, solve puzzles, and locate the hidden treasures within the designated area.
6. Fair Play: Participants must adhere to the rules of the competition and demonstrate sportsmanship throughout the treasure hunt.
7. Safety: Participants should prioritize their safety and well-being during the competition, following any instructions or guidelines provided by the organizers.
8. Conduct: Participants must show respect towards fellow contestants, organizers, and any other individuals involved in the event.
9. Judging Criteria: Teams will be evaluated based on their ability to successfully decipher clues, work together effectively, and locate the hidden treasures within the specified time frame.


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