
Shloka Archana (Shloka Recitation)


Description: Participants are required to recite any Shlokas from any ancient scriptures., Age Group: 11-15 years, Member :Solo

Participants must choose and recite any 1/2 Shlokas from ancient scriptures such as the Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, Mahabharata, or other Puranas


Description: Participants are required to recite any Shlokas from any ancient scriptures.
Age Group: 11-15 years
Member :Solo
Entry Fees: Rs.47/-
Rules and Regulations:
1.Shloka Selection: Participants must choose and recite any 1/2 Shlokas from ancient scriptures such as the Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, Mahabharata, or other Puranas.
2.Language: Shlokas may be recited in Sanskrit or any regional language with proper pronunciation and understanding.
3.Performance Duration: 3+1 minute.
4.Recitation Style: Participants should focus on clear and accurate recitation, emphasizing correct pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm.
5.Interpretation: (Optional) Participants may provide a brief explanation or interpretation of the Shlokas recited to enhance understanding and relevance.
6.Attire: Traditional attire reflecting the cultural heritage is encouraged but not mandatory.
7.Conduct: Participants must adhere to the event’s code of conduct and show respect towards fellow contestants, judges, and organizers.
8.Judging Criteria: Performances will be evaluated based on factors such as pronunciation, clarity, expression, understanding, and overall presentation.
9.Fair Play: Any form of cheating, plagiarism, or disruptive behavior will result in immediate disqualification.


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