
Instant Reel Master


Participants create short video reels on given topics within a limited time frame.
Age Group: 23-32 Group

This competition challenges participants to think creatively and quickly adapt to given topics, showcasing their video production skills and storytelling abilities in a competitive environment.


Description: Participants create short video reels on given topics within a limited time frame.
Age Group: 23-32 Group
Entry Fees: Rs. 67/-
Rules and Regulations:
1.Topic Selection: Topics will be provided on the spot, and participants must create a short video reel based on the given topic.
2.Time Limit: Participants will have a specified time limit to conceptualize, shoot, and edit their video reels, as determined by the organizers. More details on the spot.
3.Original Content: Video reels must be original creations and not copied from existing content or media.
4.Submission: Completed video reels must be submitted to the designated Event manager after his/her approval participant can upload this Video in his or her Instagram with collaboration Jnana_Shiksha_Kendra Instagram ID.
5.Additionally- For student who cannot arrange any Instagram Handle – don’t worry we will support you in those cases.
6.Judging Criteria: Video reels will be evaluated based on Likes, Comments, creativity, relevance to the given topic, technical quality, and overall impact.
7.Conduct: Participants must adhere to the event’s code of conduct and show respect towards fellow contestants, judges, and organizers.
8.Fair Play: Any form of cheating, plagiarism, or disruptive behavior will result in immediate disqualification.


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